See the light!

In 2007, I met a photographer who changed my life. His name is Carlos Baez.
He was speaking at a Pictage PartnerCon conference when I was first switching from video to photography. I was intrigued by his talk "Models to Model Brides" because of my personal goals with photography to use it to allow my own brides to feel like supermodels on their wedding day. When Carlos played his opening slideshow, I had to pick my jaw up all the ground. His work was stunning. Absolutely beautiful. Very high fashion. And just amazing.
After his talk, I went up and introduced myself but we only talked briefly as others swarmed around him vying for his attention. But the last day of the conference, he pulled me aside to chat and spoke words of encouragement into my life as I opened up about my dreams and hopes for my photography career. He saw something in me I didn't really see in myself. He believed in me and spoke career building words into my confidence giving me that "Yeah, I can do this!" jump start I needed. For that I will always be so grateful to Carlos and thankful for his kindness in the beginning of my photography career.
Now, an ironic twist, two years later, we both serve as mentors on! Through the website, he has put out an AMAZING DVD all about lighting called "See The Light." I was excited to get it to learn more about his techniques with fashion photography because my goal in 2009 is to learn more about studio lighting as he thoroughly goes over in the DVD. Not only does Carlos show you his lighting tricks, but he speaks from the heart to the viewer the same way he did to me that day in 2007.
I highly recommend his DVD to everyone! With over 20 years of experience, he is definitely one of the masters in this industry, and not only a great mentor, but a wonderful friend. You can check out clips and trailers from his DVD here:
Also, Carlos was also recently interviewed on CameraDojo, you can listen to his chat with my other buddies Kerry Garrison and David Esquire here:
Labels: For Photographers