Why I do what I do. /// Scarlett Lillian Review
As I watched her cry tears of joy viewing the slideshow of images I put together to surprise her with during the reception, I was hooked.
Fast forward to today, I'm in the midst of attacking my email inbox and I ran across this email notification from Facebook that came in the other day.
As I reread it, I smiled and thought, "This is why I do what I do." Even though I look back at the images and cringe at how far I've come technically and artistically, this email proves, I'm not just a photographer, I'm a story teller.. a memory documentor... a person who gets the honor of capturing family history.
It's emails like this where I think, I could honestly care less if I ever win an award for my photography, because emails like this are the greater award. Thanks Jessica for bringing happy tears to my eyes too! :-)

Cannot wait to get these types of e-mails from clients.
I love this post. It is so true :) Getting a message back from a mom who just saw the photo's you took for the first time and it brought tears to her eyes..... is the best feeling ever.
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